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An appeal is after a trial has occurred and the case is taken to a higher court to be reviewed.  There are appeals from the District Court, the Circuit Court, the Probate Court and administrative agencies, such as the Secretary of State to obtain a driver’s license. We have experience with appeals in the Michigan Court of Appeals, the Michigan Supreme Court and the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals

Bar Exam Appeals

Law School graduates have to take what is most likely the hardest exam of their lives.  Once you've received your score you have the right to appeal the examiner's deceision and request an increase.  We can help you appeal this score, and help you prevent having to re-take the exam.

Business Planning

Need help starting your own business? We can help. Forming business entities is a tricky processes. We can help guide your through the process of drafting articles of organization, operating agreements, and business plans. Preparing and filing the necessary documents with the proper authority will give you peace of mind and let you focus on the parts of your business that you enjoy. We will help you avoid unexpected pitfalls in your business with out ongoing maintenance and planning plans that will help you be proactive in your success.


A service or good was provided to someone, and they have failed to pay for it.  A lawsuit to collect on that service or good is called a collections lawsuit.  This is because there is not much doubt that the person, or debtor owes the money.  It is not usually a matter of proving that the debt is owed, but an issue of actually collecting the money owed upon a judgment. We have a very high success rate in obtaining the monies owed to our clients.

Construction Law

Construction law usually deals with the construction of buildings, whether commercial or residential. There are general contractors who contract with subcontractors who have various specialties. The building may or may not already have someone who has purchased the finished project, this would be the homeowner, or commercial owner of the building. There are various contracts between the contractor and subcontractors, and the owners.  Additionally, the builders have to deal with a multitude of governmental agencies to be able to erect the building.

Criminal Law

Criminal law consists of any time a law that makes something a crime is not followed. There are misdemeanor crimes where the maximum penalty is one year or less.  There are felony crimes where the minimum penalty is more than one year.

There are trial courts, and appeals courts.   We handle trials for anything from disturbing the peace to burglary, robbery, sex crimes, or murder. We have experience in District courts, Circuit courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Michigan Supreme Court. 

Education Law

Education law includes anything that occurs to or about a student from kindergarten through college or graduate school.  There are state and federal laws which protect students from educational institutions regarding due process, fairness, and for the student not to be discriminated against.  Additionally, students that are gifted, or have special needs in their education are entitled to individual education plans.

Employment Law

Do you feel like you've been discriminated against at work or terminated unfairly? Are you an employer who's afraid one of your employees might bring a claim against you? Call our experts who specialize in litigating employment disputes, unlawful termination, discrimination, harassment and other issues in the workplace.

Estate Planning

Estate planning can be a tricky process and is extremely important to get completed before you need it. Let us help you create the best strategy for your estate in order to best utilize and preserve your resources. This process can include tax planning, drafting wills, creating trusts, naming guardians for your children, and assigning power of attorney.

Let us help you now so you and your family don't need to worry later.  Click here to create the necessary legal documents to name guardians for your children for free.  

Our process begins with a Wealth Planning Session. Before the Session you will complete homework that will have you feeling more organized and put together than you have in a long time. Maybe ever.

During the Session, we will look at what would happen to all of what you have and everyone you love, if anything were to happen to you. Then, we’ll determine a plan together to make sure everything goes the way you want it to so you are always in control. And so your family always knows just how much you care.

Call our office, or visit our online calendar to schedule your

For more information and resources on Estate Planning visit our Information and Resources Page.


If you are holding an event and don't know where to start in terms of licences, permits, and insurance, we can help. We have years of experience in navigating city and state requirements for public and private events.

Exit Planning

Exit Planning helps business owners set, sort through, and achieve their exit objectives. It enables owners to leave their companies when they want, to the successors they want, and with the amount of cash they need.  Without exception, every owner leaves his or her company.  Whether you do it in style depends on the specific exit planning actions you take before you leave.

If you see ownership change in your future, we can help you plan a successful business exit.  We can help you answer the seven planning questions located here, and identify qualified advisers to help you through the process.

To learn more about Exit Planning, visit our Exit Planning page.

To schedule a complimentary 20 minute consult, please visit my online calendar


This where a person has been convicted of one or more crimes and they seek to have these old convictions removed from their criminal record. This procedure is called an expungement. 

Federal Law

Let's face it. Federal lawsuits can be intimitdating, no matter which side you are on. We are fully licenced in Michigan Federal courts to litigate Federal Issues such as civil rights, discrimination, RICO, and more.

Juvenile Law

Juvenile law encompassed criminal charges against a child under the age of 17.  This includes contacts with the police and their investigations, and interview with the minor child. Children are not convicted of crimes, but have adjudications, and come under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court. Children are not sentenced for crimes, they have dispositions. We know having a child accused of a crime is a scary thing, and we have the experience to get the child and the family through this trying time.


Facilitative mediation is where a skilled mediator works with the parties in a dispute to see if they can agree on some common ground to avoid extensive litigation on a dispute.

Professional Licensing

Professional licensing deals with medical doctors, dentists, attorneys, therapists, psychologists, counselors, or any other profession which requires a license from the state in order to conduct their trade or profession. Typically, a professional has their license attacked, suspended, or revoked and they need assistance to have their full license restored to them.

Real Estate

Real estate law usually refers to the transactions on land.  This can be by a deed, or by contract.  There are Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Lady Bird Deeds, and Land Contracts to name a few. When one person buys another persons’ house, there is not only a deed drafted but a real estate closing is conducted to exchange a deed of some type in exchange for money.  There are other documents, which are preliminary to the closing, for example, a purchase agreement.  Never sign anything without having an attorney review if first. No matter what a document is called in real estate, they all have meaning and can result in a horrible financial decision if not reviewed carefully before signing.


Definition coming soon.


The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is one of the most complex legal acts in the American law system. We litigate RICO claims so you can rest easy knowing our experience is working for you.

Sexual Harassment

Many potential sexual harassment plaintiffs are surprised to learn that there is a difference between what many of us would consider “sexual harassment” and what the law actually says is illegal and actionable.  As the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission tells us, “[i]t is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include ‘sexual harassment’ or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.”  It may also include “offensive remarks about a person’s sex” such as “making offensive comments about women in general."  Finally, “[a]lthough the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).”  State law civil rights acts tend to mirror Title VII’s definition.  Michigan Courts, for instance, have fairly consistently held that the ELCRA should borrow from Title VII’s interpretation of “sexual harassment.”


See the blog post titled Me Too: How the Law Helps Victims of Workplace Sexual Harassment Fight Back" by Collin Nyeholt for more information.

Tax Law

Our experts on tax laws can help you appeal or contest state or federal tax debt and help guide you in applying for tax exemptions/appeal denial of exemption.

Sports and Entertainment Law

Know your rights before you sign any contracts. Our lawyers are waiting to help counsel you on intellectual property issues, and we are happy to help review or draft contracts in order to make sure you are getting what you deserve.

Bar Exam Appeals
Business Planning
Construction Law
Criminal Law
Education Law
Employment Law
Estate Planning
Federal Law
Juvenile Law
Professional Licensing
Real Estate
Sexual Harrsment
Sports and Entertainment Law
Tax Law
Exit Planning
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