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Kids Protection Planning

When it comes to estate planning, the most requested priority, especially for those with minor children, is to create a plan that will do the best at protecting their children.  Keeping our kids safe is our top concern at all times, and that concern remains at the top of the list when we are planning our estate. 


Today I am going to give you the 9 steps you must take in order to put a proper Kids Protection Plan in place.


  1. Choose the right long-term guardians.

    1. These are the people that will be taking care of your kids if you are no longer able to care for them. It is important that you choose someone that you trust will raise your children the way you want them to be raised. If you do not legally appoint long-term guardians for your children, the court will appoint someone for you, and they might not appoint the person you would have chosen. 

  2. Legally document your choice.

    1. Unless you have proper, and legal guardianship papers in place, the court will choose for you. Even if you tell someone who you wish to be the guardians, the court could take that into account, but will ultimately have the final say.

  3. Choose the right short-term guardians.

    1. If something were to happen to you, and your long-term guardians are miles away, your children could end up with CPS, or in foster care until your long-term guardians are able to come take your children. The person, or people you choose as long-term guardians should be located within 20 minutes of your residence. 

  4. Again, legally document your choice.

  5. Give your short-term guardians legal documentation and instructions. 

    1. You want to make sure that your short-term guardians know their role, and know what to do when they are called to action.

  6. Give all caregivers, and schools instructions.

    1. Caregivers and schools need to know who to call when you’re not able to be there for your children. You should always carry an emergency ID card that gives the names and phone numbers of your short-term guardians for your children.

  7. Give your long-term guardians instructions.

    1. Tell your long-term guardians what to do when called upon. You will want them to know where to find the legal documents necessary for them to be able to legally care for your children. Additionally, you will want to leave them instructions for how you want your children to be raised. You will want to leave them your values, insights, stories, and experiences for them to pass on to your children.

  8. Specifically exclude anyone you don’t want to raise your children.

    1. Your plans don’t always go as you wish, so it’s important to put some safety measures in place. By specifically excluding those you don’t want to raise your children, you are making it easy for the court to deny those people if your original plan falls apart. 

  9. Financially provide for you children.

    1. You want to make sure that whomever you choose to raise your children have the financial support necessary to raise them, while having protection in place for you children to make sure they don’t lose those resources. Life insurance is a great option to help fund your children’s futures if you are not there providing an income for them. Setting up the life insurance to fund a trust for your children is a great way to provide them with financial support, while protecting those funds. 


What can you do today to make sure you have proper protections in place for your children? The minimum you can do is visit my website,, and click on Kids Protection Plan where you can draft legal documents putting guardians in place at no cost.  But to make sure you have a full plan in place, schedule a consult with me where can discuss your life and legacy plan. 

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